How To Write SEO-Friendly Content (In 2020)?

  Do you want to rank higher in search results without increasing your marketing budget? If yes, then you need to create SEO-friendly content. What’s SEO-friendly content, by the way? When you create SEO- friendly content, you try to optimize the content in order to attract more traffic to your website via search engines like … Read more

How To Optimize Your Content For Voice Search?

  Voice Search is getting bigger and bigger. Now, More and more people prefer using voice search. They are using it via their smartphones, tablets, computers, or voice assistants like Siri (Apple), Alexa (Amazon), Google Assistant (Google), and Cortana (Microsoft). It’s gaining ground and has become so huge because of the following three reasons: You … Read more

SEO Tools: 14 Most Essential Tools

  More and more new websites come into existence every day. Every three seconds a new website is built. As of February 2023, there are over 1.13 billion websites in the world of which around 200 million websites are active. So, driving a decent amount of traffic to your site is a real challenge, isn’t … Read more

On-Page SEO: Top 12 On-Page SEO Techniques

Photo by Tony Schnagl from Pexels On-Page SEO:   The main focus of On-Page SEO is to rank higher and higher on Search Engines Results Pages(SERPs). The higher your pages rank on SERPs, the more and more traffic your site will get. SEO is divided into two categories: 1. On-Page SEO 2. Off-Page SEO The process of optimizing … Read more